Why the Yard never caught Jack the Ripper, a Steampunk perspective.

The Bulesque Herald investigates an alternative theory based on information learned by our editing team that may not have been canvassed by experts in the field as to the slaying executed by Jack the Ripper in London between 1888 and 1891. The Herald looks at the motive never discussed before about the real reasons why the serial killings where linked to bringing about a new world order and how Jack the Ripper left behind at least five clues in London without being apprehended by the police.

‘ …the ability of some agencies and crime syndicates to use temporal travel. ‘

The suspect operated not just in London or in the years between 1888 & 1891. As We know one possible explanation is the ability of some agencies and crime syndicates to use temporal travel. It is evident in reports and adventures that The Empire’s very own Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences were in possession of such technology as can be read in the book the Ghost Rebellion, Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris, 2016. The Practice of further use of Temporal Travel is further confirmed by other intelligence agencies in the book Time Flight Chronicles Book One Amster Dammed, Nils Visse Visser, 1887 one year before the first official murder in Whitechapel of Mary Ann Nichols, 42. Further, to this these books also mention that foreign intelligence agencies and crime syndicates such as the House of Usher effectively using temporal travel.

Further explanations suggested by unnamed and unofficial sources of the Ministry have suggested the House of Usher is in instruction of Jack the Ripper. There are also reports that Jack the Ripper moves through time and uses one Modus Operandi for each scenario or campaign. Evidently, Mary Ann Nicholas had her throat cut and her abdominal wall punctured with her intestines removed. The same for Annie Chapman. However, it was not until the death of Elizabeth Stride that the usual mutilation was absent. This slight change in Modus operandi suggests a change in operative. Alternatively, Jack the Ripper is not the name of one individual, but is the codename of the operation by the House of Usher and allied Crime syndicates and possible steam-terrorist groups. To clarify to our readers our sources further suggest that the operation carried on in other parts of the world, Germany being one.

Flensburg a port city of Germany close to the Danish border was where one such murder in 1889 took place of a Prostitute. The murder was executed with similar Modus Operandi as the first two victims in Whitechapel. The Jack the Ripper operation did not stop in Europe, it spread to Nicaragua, Central America. In the tropical heat of Managua, Nicaragua, six prostitutes where mutilated before the attack in 1889. Then in 1890 Lottie Morgan another prostitute was axed to death (note: a different Modus Operandi) in Hurly, Wisconsin, USA. This with and others until 1894 in Europe and back to the USA (The Ripper Notes : The Legend Continues, 2008).

Evidently, with a pattern forming, Readers must be speculating what possible motive there could be by such time travelling crime or Steam-terrorist organisation could have. Arguably, the effect on society brought about tension and distraction. Or alternatively Ripperology. The possible objective of operation ‘Jack-the-Ripper’ was ultimately to bring down Governments and create panic in the masses. If We examine what was going on 1888 to 1891 and then to the turn of the century there is evidence of some of the objectives of Ripper can be further explained.

‘…e-telegrams viewed suggest Germany instigated an offensive on Britain’s home front as early as 1888…’

In Germany 1888, Kaiser Wilhelm the second was crowned Emperor of Germany reigning until almost the end of World War one 1914 to 1918. The crowning of Wilhelm saw a significant change in Germany’s foreign policy towards the rest of Europe and Britain in particular. Five Jack the Ripper murders were committed in Whitechapel, London in 1888. Sources to the Herald and e-telegrams viewed, suggest Germany instigated an offensive on Britain’s home front as early as 1888 in an attempt to create a revolution using fear, poverty and social inequality. Operation Ripper had success with ethnic minorities being blamed for the murders and the Police being humiliated by the lack of progress in apprehending the killer. London’s East End with its colorful diversity of immigrants from across the world came close to breaking down into anarchy and spreading West into the financial district of the city and into Westminster the seat of power. Commentators suggest it maybe a crime syndicate or steam-terrorist organisation posing as Germany playing at increasing tensions between powers in a bid to introduce a new world order.

1889 saw much of Germany’s rivals Great Britain and France expand into Southern and Northern Africa. Italy into Abyssinia, allying itself with Spain. Asserting her European power France is rumoured to have dispatched agents in an assassination of the Archduke Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria who was found dead with Baroness May Vestera, was this French intelligence or operation Ripper by a Steam-Terrorist group? Evidently, Baroness May was found with her throat slit, this could be evidence to suggest the Ripper Modus Operandi. Meanwhile, whilst Europe speculates whom the identity of the killer was, Cecil Rhodes expands British interests in Southern Africa. At the same time, Annie McKenzie, Prostitute, was murdered in Whitechapel in similar fashion and along with an unidentifiable woman. Arguably, an outside agency or power adding a match to the already dry tinder box of European military posturing and power would prove effective to a new world order.

French troops occupy the Sudan, Africa and Great Britain exchanges territories with Germany in Africa whilst expanding her possessions in Southern Africa. Meanwhile, Belgium officially takes Congo as a territory. Tensions mount in Europe to another level as each nation jockeys for power, whilst not engaging directly in a military struggle in 1890.In Central America as mentioned earlier six prostitutes were murdered in the same fashion as the Whitechapel murders in what the Herald believes to a period of unrest in the build up towards the ‘Banana Wars’ and United States intervention in the region. The instigators of Ripper witnessed how successful whipping up domestic paranoia was in London against Her Majesty’s Government, that the tactic was turned against the nations of Central America and the Caribbean.

London 1892, the body of Frances Coles was found alive. Throat cut no mutilations similar to Elizabeth Stride and a different modus Operandi. In addition Russia and France sign an alliance treaty increasing tensions on the world stage. Coles could not give Police any further evidence as She died some time later.

Paranoia was at its height across the Major industrial powers of the world leading into an arms race in the build up to the war of 1914 to 1918. However, the objective by Ripper may not have been achieved, not in this current time. The advantage of temporal travel for such agencies is their ability to go into the future and other dimensions. It is possible that a large piece of history has to be changed to reach the Ripper objectives in the future. It’s anyone’s guess to what those aims and objectives could be. However, with temporal travel at the disposal and other resources available to Ripper it now comes as no wonder the real reason Scotland Yard was destined not to catch the Jack the Ripper. Ripper left clues in the victims, but with the lack of technology in 1888 Scotland yard had no chance of bringing a prosecution let alone a successful one. In addition the lack of distrust between nations by design lacked in any pooling of evidence between nations in establishing the pattern of events by Ripper. This versus the ability of Ripper to arrive and leave anywhere and at any point in time gives the perfect vehicle to any assassination in time. Jack the Ripper is still at large !

With thanks to

The Minister of Peculiar Occurrences by Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris, 2011 onwards.

Time Flight Chronicles Book One Amster Dammed by Nils Visse Visser, 1887.

Jack the Ripper may have killed abroad, Mark Honigsbaun, The Guardian Newspaper, 3rd of May 2005.

The Ripper Notes : The Legend Continues, Alan Sharp, Wolf Vanderlinden, Dan Norder, John Bennett & Jonathan Menges, 2008.